This unit covers chapters 14 - 17.
DAY 1:
For homework, students are expected to read Ch. 14-1 and know the Section Review questions 14-1.
1) For homework, begin working on the Review at the end of chapter 14. Write the question, then write the answer, and then skip a line. For questions 1-25. For the multiple choice, write the question, and write only the correct answer (do not write the incorrect answers). Title it Ch. 14 Review.
2) Watch the Origin of Life - 1 Lecture below, and take two pages of notes. Title: Origin of Life-1.
3) Earth's History Activity.
cash_register_tape_earths_history_timeline.pdf |
Day 2:
Read Ch. 14, Sections 14-2 and 14-3. Know Section Reviews 14-2 and 14-3. Finish the Earth's History Activity.
4) Watch the Origin of Life - 2 Lecture video and take two pages of notes.
Day 3:
Read Ch. 15-1; know Section Review 15-1.
5) Begin working on the Review at the end of Ch. 15, questions 1-25. Always write both the question and a full sentence answer. For multiple choice questions, write the question and then write only the correct answer. Title it, "Ch. 15 Review."
6) Listen to the lecture below, and take two pages of notes titled "Fossils Lecture."
7) Carry out the Fossil Interpretation Lab: For students who are absent on the day of this assignment, complete Section Review 15-1. Write the question, then write a full sentence answer, and then skip a line.
For homework, students are expected to read Sections 15-2 and 15-3, and know Section Reviews 15-2 and 15-3.
Day 4:
8) Listen to the lecture below and take two pages of notes titled "Theories of Evolution."
9) Complete the Lab on Natural Selection below. For students are absent on the day of this assignment, please do Section Reviews 15-2 and 15-3. Write the question, then write a full-sentence answer, then skip a line. Write a note explaining your absence.
natural_selection_game.doc |
10) For homework, students are expected to complete the worksheet on the Peppered Moth:
peppered_moth.doc |
Day 5:
11) Listen to the lecture below, and take two pages of notes titled "Evolution in Process."
12) Complete the activity on Amino Acid Sequence Relationships:
Day 6
Students are expected to read Ch. 16-1 on their own, and know Section Review 16-1.
13) Begin working on the Review at the end of Chapter 16, questions 1-25. Write the question, then the answer and then skip a line. For multiple choice questions, write the question and write only the correct answer. Title this, "Ch. 16 Review."
14) Listen to the lecture below and take two pages of notes titled, "Evolution of Populations."
15) Complete the Hardy-Weinberg worksheet.
For homework, students are expected to read Ch. 16-2 and 16-3 and know the Section Reviews. The two videos below are lectures of these sections:
16) For homework, students are expected to listen to the lecture below and take two pages of notes.
17) For homework, students are expected to listen to the lecture below and take two pages of notes.
Day 7
Students are expected to read Ch. 17-1 and Know Section Review 17-1.
18) Begin working on the Review at the end of Chapter 17, questions 1-25. For multiple choice questions, write the question and only the full correct answer. "Ch. 17 Review" is the title.
19) Listen to the lecture below on human evolution, and take two pages of notes titled "Human Origins."
20) Watch the movie, "What Darwin Didn't Know," and answer the questions in the packet.
what_darwin_never_knew_-_qs.docx |
For homework, students are expected to read Ch. 17-2 and 17-3 and know the Section Reviews at the ends of those sections.
Day 8
20) Listen to the lecture below on Human Evolution, and take two pages of notes title, "Hominid Evolution."
Below is the information that is due in your binder on the day of the quiz. For full credit, work must be in the order below, and titled accordingly, with your name on every page.
1) Ch. 14 Review
2) Lecture Notes: Origin of Life - 1 3) Earth's History Activity 4) Lecture Notes: Origin of Life - 2 5) Ch. 15 Review 6) Lecture Notes: Fossils Lecture 7) Fossil Interpretation Lab 8) Lecture Notes: Theories of Evolution 9) Natural Selection Lab 10) Worksheet on Peppered Moth |
11) Lecture Notes: Evolution in Process
12) Amino Acid Sequence Relationships Activity 13) Ch. 16 Review 14) Lecture Notes: Evolution of Populations 15) Hardy-Weinberg Worksheet 16) Lecture Notes: Disruption of Genetic Equilibrium and 17) Lecture Notes: Speciation. 18) Ch. 17 Review 19) Lecture Notes: Human Origins 20) What Darwin Didn't Know - Movie Questions 21) Lecture Notes: Hominid Evolution |
Study Guides for Evolution Test:
The study guides below will help you to prepare for the test. They are by no means comprehensive and are not intended to "hint" as to what's on the test. They are opportunities to practice what you have learned above. They are NOT due. There is little emphasis on Ch. 17 on the quiz, FYI.
evolution_glossary.pdf |
evolution_jeopardy.ppt |
study_guide_-_evo_test.pdf |
evolution_test_review.pdf |
evolution_vocab.doc |