MODULE-2 (Jun18 - Jun21)
JUN 18 - MON
We will take exam 1 in the beginning of class.
Exam-1 (covers all of Module-1) - see study guide below:

study_guide_for_exam_1.docx |
Finish Ch. 7 Lecture on Nervous system:

intro_to_neuro-brev_ii-wlac.pptx |

intro_to_neuro-brev_iii-wlac.pptx |
Autonomic Nervous System-I:
Autonomic Nervous System-II
HOMEWORK: CHAPTER 7: Students should read and know: pp. 184 - 194. Know Table 7.4. From pages 194 - 196: know the inhibitory neurotransmitters: GABA and Glycine. Know figure 7.32. On p. 198, read and know about nitric oxide as a neurotransmitter. Read p. 200 - 201 about Synaptic Inhibition.
HOMEWORK: CHAPTER 9: Read p. 244 (know fig. 9.1); Read sections 9.2, 9.3, (through p. 260). Know the M.C. questions; for your own benefit, fill in the handouts below (they are not due)
HOMEWORK: CHAPTER 9: Read p. 244 (know fig. 9.1); Read sections 9.2, 9.3, (through p. 260). Know the M.C. questions; for your own benefit, fill in the handouts below (they are not due)

autonomic_actions_on_visceral_organs.docx |

receptor_function_graphic_organizer.docx |
JUN 19 - TUE
Chapter 10 - Sensory Physiology:

12sensory_physiology_i-physio3.pptx |
Abbreviated version of the lecture for WLAC summer:

12sensory_phys-brev-wlac.pptx |
Homework: from Ch. 10: Read pp. 267 - 270; read about referred pain (p. 272); Also read "Receptive fields and sensory acuity (p. 272) and the two point touch threshold; Read about taste and smell on pp. 274 - 278. Know fig. 10.8, 10.5, 10.1, 10. 2, 10.3.
For your reading on the eye: pp. 290-304
Also, students should know all of the information that is in these little videos:
For your reading on the eye: pp. 290-304
Also, students should know all of the information that is in these little videos:
LITTLE LECTURES THAT I DREW (that have a lot of info that will be on your next exam):
1) Sensory Receptors:
2) Somatic senses:
3) Aspects of vision
3) The retina and vision:
This video is really a summary of the information on the eye from our textbook:
Abbreviated lecture on the eye given in the WLAC class:

the_eye-phys-brev-wlac.pptx |

5-sensory_phys_lab.docx |
Study guide for quiz-2 on Wed. June 20:

quiz-2-study_guide.docx |
JUN 20 - WED

the_ear-wlac-brev.pptx |
WATCH THESE LITTLE LECTURES THAT I DREW (that have a lot of info that will be on your next exam):
JUN 21 - THU
Endocrine System Lecture

endocrinology-full_ppt.pptx |

6-_feedback_mechanisms-s.pdf |

6-_control_of_blood_sugar_levels-s.pdf |
Study guide for exam 2 (There are extra credit points here, if you write each question, then write the answer, and then skip a line. Then memorize it! And you will be studying for Monday's exam and earning points at the same time. Life doesn't get any better!!!

exam-2_study_guide.docx |